Friday, April 22, 2011

Cranes,Mallard, Otter and sick fox update

Otter seems to have lost its siblings. Was continually calling
                                                            out between dives, as it swam around

And another update on the fox saga.

 She had a total of 8 kits and she is eating well and isn't acting stressed.

 She was badly infested with mange and they are treating her for the parasites and are continuing treatment for her eye which is improving but not sure if it will fully recover.

 They are minimizing contact with all humans except for the person treating the bad eye in hope to allow the young to develop a strong bond with the vixen and not to the staff.

 When feasible they will be moved to an outdoor enclosure once the weather permits.

 They will likely be there for at least 5 to 6 weeks or more until they complete her treatment.....

  Likely no further updates for a while...

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