Friday, September 28, 2012

The one eyed fox and her 2 offspring.

We have been following the One eyed Vixen for  2 years now. ever since she was rescued and cured of a serious case of mange. (The disease left her blind in one eye). Shortly thereafter she gave birth to a litter of 8. 
This year it is not known how many she may have had but these 2 are the survivors. 

One of each gender.
The son is now bigger than his mother and appears ready to take command.
Both mother and sister are in awe.
Mother (on the left), defers to son (middle) as does the daughter,(right). He is obviously bigger/stronger


Next we have  another show of strength. 
He gives his sister a body check as he jumps over her to get at the pieces of chicken weenie bits. 
Bouncing her out of his way

 One Great Blue Heron in hot pursuit of an interloper

 and gaining

Elk and Otters

1st sighting of Elk this season.
Small herd not yet being incorporated into som Bull's harem.
No sign of any Bulls at all so far. Too early.


 First half of this year only 2 Otters were ever seen together at Sheriff Creek sanctuary. But now have been joined by a third.

Couple of Canada Geese and small "cousins" of indeterminate species. Could be penguins?

Monday, September 24, 2012

Moulting Great Blue Heron fishes

very cooperative. Flew in as I stared.

Not so handsome at this time of year but a guy's gotta eat.


And as the sun began to set,light changed and he got one last one

A Record, Not.

Here is the one-eyed vixen's male kit from this year's litter. No sign of his sister.