Sunday, June 29, 2014

Otter and a variety of birds

 With fish for breakfast
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After having been eliminated last Autumn Beavers make a return

Flicker drinks marsh water. 
Then tells mate all about it.

Who then flips out.


And what a Swallow will do for housing in a tight market.
Nest box top mounting bolt let go but that did not deter. 
Raising  a family anyway

Carnivorous Plant, Sundew, captures moth.    Bit of a mouthful for a plant that normally goes for ants and the like.

And then there are the ducks.

Nap Time

These 4  got a head start and are now "teenagers"

More Birds


Guest Photographer Scott H.
You've hear the song San Francisco.."Flowers in her hair"?   Here we have "Leaves in her ear" 

Monday, June 23, 2014

Turtles and birds and bugs Oh My

Maternity ward       

While Mother-In-Law acts as Midwife  :>)

And the rest of the family goes rock climbing

Mallard Mother leads clan to safety

Into the weeds where she parks them,

then flies off to meet the father (or maybe just to get a break)

A happy fella

Another Loon Egg update

Duck Families all over


Note the "normal' colour/markings of the duckling.

Now look at the little one here.

The adult is a Wood-duck and the duckling is a Golden-eye.

Who adopted whom????

Black Duck


 and a Wood Duck thinks to take a break

not for long.

Kid on the right... best seat in the house

Another happy guy

And you thought Bustles went out at the end of the 19th century

Next few shots are of a hungry Great Blue Heron

who got hisself a really big trophy

which has to stay a trophy as it's too big to swallow.  

Even after smashing it into the ground many times to try and break it up. No Filet 'O' Fish today
if at first you don't succeed .........................................

go get a 10 cm one

A bit of Black Bear leavings
wonder why it bothered to eat the remains of last year's Cranberry crop. Not much sustenance gained.