Wednesday, October 17, 2012

New Fox, Broken Duck, out of season Turtle

I believe we have a new fox at the Panel Mine Rd feeder station.

There was no sign of our old friend one eye and her 2 youngsters but this
one showed up after I sat and waited there for awhile.

It was very hesitant to approach the car and even when it did, it did not
seem to recognize the bits of food I was tossing out in its direction.

Had about 30 one inch long weenie bits and some spare ribs. It found the
spare ribs but never noticed the weenie bits bouncing around it. After
disposing of the ribs, it wandered about and only by accident, found the hot
dog chunks.

Eventually, after 15 or so came its way and only after a couple bounced off
him/her did it put 2 & 2 together and  was able to spot the flying weenies.

Far cry from our usual group who are well versed in frankfurter retrieval.

I couldn't spot any identifying marks but from its behaviour I'm convinced
it hasn't been around much if at all.

Young Female Wood-Duck appears to have a broken wing. Normally would fly off well before being approached but this one simple sounded off and paddled about trying to avoid me. Then disappeared into the cattails.

Odd to see a turtle this late in October. Particularly as it was not sunning. There was only shade on this log.

Small one. Only about 10 cm in diameter and here it is about to return to the water.

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