Tuesday, October 30, 2012

4 Pine Grosbeaks, plus a Fox and Raven

3 Males, one Female

Raven steals a Kibble

Sunday, October 28, 2012

3 days' collecting.

There are 2 more behind the tree.   The face of one can be seen near the Buck

Ready, Set,


Our friend the Pied-billed Grebe

Now Thanksgiving is over they feel safe in coming out of hiding
6 Hens in search of a Tom

Thursday, October 25, 2012

One Brave Bunny

Driving South on Hwy 108 and nearing town I caught up to a Pick-up slowly following  a Snowshoe Hare who was traveling in the same lane.
After several vehicle zoomed by in the opposite direction. The Hare decided to get out of the way.

Heading down towards the Boat-Launch

Then decided it was easier traveling on the pavement

But seemed bewildered. Then after several cars whizzed by, decided to git while the getting was good and headed up  the nearby snowmobile trail. Note the beginnings of the winter colours. Base of ears (looks like a Headband) and on the legs 

Grebe still around.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

New Fox, Broken Duck, out of season Turtle

I believe we have a new fox at the Panel Mine Rd feeder station.

There was no sign of our old friend one eye and her 2 youngsters but this
one showed up after I sat and waited there for awhile.

It was very hesitant to approach the car and even when it did, it did not
seem to recognize the bits of food I was tossing out in its direction.

Had about 30 one inch long weenie bits and some spare ribs. It found the
spare ribs but never noticed the weenie bits bouncing around it. After
disposing of the ribs, it wandered about and only by accident, found the hot
dog chunks.

Eventually, after 15 or so came its way and only after a couple bounced off
him/her did it put 2 & 2 together and  was able to spot the flying weenies.

Far cry from our usual group who are well versed in frankfurter retrieval.

I couldn't spot any identifying marks but from its behaviour I'm convinced
it hasn't been around much if at all.

Young Female Wood-Duck appears to have a broken wing. Normally would fly off well before being approached but this one simple sounded off and paddled about trying to avoid me. Then disappeared into the cattails.

Odd to see a turtle this late in October. Particularly as it was not sunning. There was only shade on this log.

Small one. Only about 10 cm in diameter and here it is about to return to the water.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

PHFN's Eagle, Elk Expedition 12 Oct 2012

With a few other pictures thrown in case of Eagle/Elk overload.

Shy Guy

No fooling around with this one

nor this one either

they just get meaner looking, I think it was because of a lack of Salmon or because a bunch of us tourist were interfering

Dedicated Birders (& Elkers?)
Immature Bald Eagle                 

2 Elk cow (mother and daughter ?)  one with radio collar.

Resting up,chewing cud and not a Bull in sight to add to his harem.

Here's a Bull but he's only interested in the grass. Not yey time for serious amore'

Young Bull watches as cow wanders away.

Next year maybe
more resting cows but look at extreme Right. Large set of antlers just visible over the rise.

that's them now on the left. He never made an appearance while we were there. Too bad. He looks to have been a trophy sized specimen

2 more cows with an immature bull

close up of same 2 plus 1

Horned Larks, focused on right one

focused on left bird

Raiding the raspberry fields.

Merganser,         King Of The Castle

Ready, Set, ..........................

Lovely day except for the wind.


Tundra Swans

Eastern Bluebird pair

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