Friday, August 27, 2010

Fewer and fewer

Getting more difficult each passing day to find and photograph new and or interesting subjects.
Summer Doldrums.

In any case here is a GBH and its admiring audience of 7 ducks.

Kinda puts you in mind of the scene where Snow  White tells stories to the 7 dwarfs. But they never had their backsides in the air while they listened.

Another unidentified Warbler or something.
And a Wood-duck Drake. Just beginning the transformation back to full plumage.
As well as a mouthfull of water.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Prepping for migration ?

Just a few of the Sandhill Cranes taken from the following panorama picture.

There are approximately 150   in this picture. They extend about a half kilometer in a line through the farmer's harvested field. (they are the little black dots right to left full width of the shot)

And just down the road aways. A cow Elk with radio collar. No other elk in sight but may have been obscured by trees.

Meanwhile back on the Serpent river.
A flock of Greater Scaup  ducks.

And my resident  male Hummer.
on our clothesline.
Looks fierce wot?

Red on the throat only shows when sunlight hits it directly.

Then there is this Lesser Yellowleg at Sheriff Creek.

and the following "Warblers" for whom I can not find names.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Why does a Ruffed Grouse cross the road?

This is the tale (Tail?) of a mother Ruffed Grouse leading her brood of 3 across the highway.

followed by her Male chick. Identified by his developing "ruff" on the neck.

 and  a closer shot as I approached.

 female #1

and second female lined up and waiting her turn.

a close-up.

and a change of subject:

Visitor to my H.B. feeder.
 in this second picture she is attempting to avoid a bullying male who considers the feeder his alone. And her quick movements blur all but the head.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Fri. Sat. Odds and sods.

3 sandhills
Heron in a tree.

Honey Bee

Oriole in my back garden.
also in my yard:
Return of P/Mine Rd fox.Male. One other was near but completely wild and ran.

And Fine Dining with Friends (at the dump) 20 at least at the party.

This fella seems to have sat in something. Looks like an Award Ribbon Roseate.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

GBH Fishing Expedition

Studying the situation. And scratches chin.
Moving on out.

Stealth Move

The Strike!
Note the blur from speed of the head.

Submarine Mode, goes deep for prey.

Coming back to the surface.

It has the "catch" secured. (along with a beak full of weed)

Fish now clear of the water.

Does a bit of a Happy Dance.
Proudly displays the catch.

 It's a Catfish.

Bird now moves to solid ground in order to thrash the fish and subdue it. Flips,shakes,drops on ground several times till it is stunned.

Limp Fish.
And Down The Hatch.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Provocative GBH poses and another group of minor stuff.

Watching the Greet Blue Heron strut its stuff.

And here it is drying its wings after a dip, facing the late afternoon sun.
This is a Polka Dot Raven waddling on my front lawn.
Then 2 views of a Broad-winged Hawk. Stanleigh Mine site.
and a few kibbles and bits.